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Neighbors 03
  • Neighbors 03


    • Conservation and supervision

      Printed on Prestige Fine Art Paper with different finishes, Your work will be delivered in a tube, protected with care and love, but also in tissue paper. This is the best way to make it travel without distorting it. On delivery, unwind it gently to check that it has not suffered from indelicacy during the trip. Handle it with gloves, if possible, and store it in its tube in a cool, dry place. Do not delay too long to frame it and offer it the joy of your looks.

      Plexiglas and Dibond prints (aluminum look) do not need any framing, you just have to put them down and will be delivered in flat cardboard packaging.

    • Scenarios

      The ratios of the formats (sizes) of the exhibited photographs are to scale to help you imagine their exposure in a room. When you choose a size smaller than the default (mostly 80cm x 120cm), the visual will adapt.

      The photos showing the staging are not contractual: frames, shine or possible reflections are purely fictitious to make the scenes aesthetic and harmonious on the whole. Only the  ration size is real. 

      (PS No, we don't sell furniture either )

    • Opaque plexiglass with ultra-shiny appearance

      • Opaque plexiglass with ultra-shiny appearance

        Flat printing made on 3mm opaque plexiglass which, by its ultra-shiny appearance (plexiglass surface) accentuates the luminous and dazzling effect of the Pop Art spirit.

        Two aluminum adhesive plates very resistant to the load of 6 kg, allow the delivered work to be immediately hung on your wall to be admired.

        Features :
        3 mm extruded PMMA Plexiglas
        A transparent margin of 5mm is always present on the edge of the image.

        Usual lead times: 15 to 21 working days.

    • Delivery delay

      • Delivery delay

        To receive a Fine Art paper print at home, the usual delivery times noted are 5 to 7 working days. (for France)

        Supports delivered ready to hang (dibond, plexiglas) require longer production times: between 15 and 21 working days.

        The FAQs et GTC  will give you all the information relating to deadlines, however  do not hesitate to contact us for urgent deliveries, we will do our best to fulfill your wishes._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

        Email, or live chat, but also @janacallmej Instagram messaging, remain quick solutions to get an answer to your questions or specific requests, don't hesitate to use it!

        It is always a great pleasure to discuss with you!


      Unmanipulated photograph

      Photography that has not undergone any modification during post-processing: its realization refers to the combination of processes, techniques and materials that make it possible to capture a subject in still images.

      The resulting image is as the camera displays it when shooting.

      It is important to underline this, at a time when digital manipulation can be confusing.

      All the photographs in this Shop were taken without post manipulation.

      On some, if you click, you'll see additional behind-the-scenes views or the fun “saw this – made this” one. Don't hesitate to discover them 😊

    • Tax reduction for the purchase of works of art


      Works of art are not subject to the Real Estate Wealth Tax (IFI). 

      Art remains an often neglected safe haven,  this mode of transaction was made possible thanks to the Malraux Law.

      To invest in art and pay less tax, it's dans leFAQs

    • Livraisons oeuvres encadrées

      Toutes les œuvres grand format encadrées plexiglas et/ou caisse américaine de 80 cm et plus, sont protégées dans une caisse en bois pour l’expédition.

      Conforme Normes NIMP15

      Protections intérieures mousse PE20mm, poignées sangle de portage

      Conditionnement bulle + 5cm


      Le montant de l’expédition incluant le conditionnement et l'emballage sera affiché lorsque vous saisirez l’adresse postale de livraison dans le panier.


      Pour les expéditions dans les DOM TOM, ou autres pays non présents dans la liste, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

    PriceFrom €1,200.00
    VAT Included

    All rights reserved governed by the law of March 11, 1957 and the law of July 3, 1985, codified in the intellectual property code are not free of rights and governed by French law and the Code of Intellectual Property  

    Reproduction prohibited without authorization

    © 2021 by JanaCallmeJ

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